High Availability & Redundancy
Increase system reliability and availability in your business environments.

Stay Online, No Matter What

Your business demands complete reliability. A minute of downtime may be equal to thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Infitack is experienced in providing redundant, highly-available system architectures that ensure resilience, even under heavy load, attack or during technical issues.

Take advantage of network or hardware-based load balancing technologies to spread load between multiple servers.
Choose from Cloud or Dedicated components in your infrastructure design. Leverage the Public Cloud to burst into resources should you need them.
Balance your website in multiple locations physically to prevent any local issues from impacting performance.
Replicate your databases so that if anything happens to a master or primary database server, you are always online nonetheless.
Take advantage of automated Backup Agent to provide incremental, real-time backups and archives of your data, and restore only the file(s) that you need.

Cloud experts are standing by to talk about your project.
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